lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

The Importance of Waterproofing your Home

By impermeabilizing our roof, we avoid uncomfortable situations and prevent damaging the interior of the house.

Water is a creator force, but it can also be the destroyer of a building. Therefore, waterproofing a structure is very important, and it’s become more of a necessity in recent times. It is now understood that if water gets in a house and it’s not stopped in time, it can cause severe damages to the structure. The life of your home (a priority for us at Universal Group INC) depends upon its stability, and that is why is affected by water.

Waterproofing, or protecting structures against the damaging actions of water, derives from the need to avoid water and humidity to cause damage to a building and its materials. This adverse effect can manifest in several ways, creating health problems, structural detriment, corrosion, which is like a sort of cancer for a building, facility damage and several other issues. Repairing (and more important, preventing) a construction from water damage can be very expensive, particularly corrosion damage.

The primary goal of building waterproofing is to prevent as much water as possible from getting into a structure, and providing outlets and drainage so that, if water does get inside, it cannot possibly remain there. While creating their layouts, many designers forget that there is going to be water.

Dear Universal Group: How can water enter my house if it’s built well?

The science behind this lays not only in the construction itself but in the materials that have been used to build the house. Concrete, bricks, stones, and mortars are composed of crystals of elements like carbonate, silicate, aluminates or oxides, whose surfaces are abundant in oxygen atoms, which carry a negative electrical charge of hydroxyl groups and can give both negative and positive charges.

Such surfaces are polar and are also called hydrophilic (they get along with water). When water comes in contact with these surfaces, hydrogen bonds are formed between the surface and the water molecules. Once the building materials come in direct contact with water, they absorb it through their pores by capillary action.

Concrete, which is prepared by mixing cement, sand, aggregate, and water, is the most successful building material of the postmodern era. Once the cement has been mixed with water, a reaction begins. The chemical reactions are complex, but the hydration reaction of cement with water produces insoluble silicate compounds, and calcium hydroxide carbonation starts simultaneously with hydration. Carbonation hardens the concrete and helps reduce the permeability of the concrete.

The Importance of Having a Waterproof Structure

  • Protects your Belongings from Water Damage: The inner part of any house is usually exposed to many unpredictable weather conditions, like sun rays and rain. Waterproofing your home protects the walls from creating a seepage. It will help prevent water damage from occurring, procuring in your fledgling building a healthy, strong start.
  • Prevents Onset of Health Problems: When moisture finds its way into your walls and ceilings, it leads to the growth of mold and mildew. This creates spores, which again lead to many health problems. Spores get projected into the air, and when you breathe in, they will travel to your lungs, which can cause health problems.
  • Saves Your Money: While waterproofing your home can feel like a daunting task, the cost of the process also seems like a blow to your budget. But prevention is always better than cure. It is best to think of it as a long-term investment that will make you money during the building’s lifetime.
  • Ensures Long-Term Stability: Waterproofing helps to seal a new structure which has been found to promote long-term comfort. The measures help to reduce the moisture in the interior of the building. It makes it more comfortable to live in, while also providing a foundation for further work later on.

A bit of advice from our Universal Group professionals. Build your houses on stone, not on sand. Build for the future, and you will be prepared for when the rains come. Please follow us on our social media and don’t hesitate to contact us for future inquiries.
Leaks can lead to rotting woodworks, damaging electricals and even disturbing your sleep.

Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup


viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Dos and Don'ts of Remodeling

Remodeling can be a handful, so here are some useful dos and don'ts that will save you time, money and headaches.

Remodeling our home is no small feat. It requires lots of planning and a reasonable budget compared to something merely aesthetic as redecorating. One of the most significant challenges is walking that thin line between a classic, stylish space, without falling into the trap of "fashion" trends, or an area that’s so plain it seems stale. Here at Universal Group, we will teach you some pro tips in the matter of renovating, and when taking risks can go to your advantage.

Anyone who's ever had a nightmarish remodeling experience will tell you this costs twice as much money and time that they initially imagined. But don't let that stop you from having the home you've always wanted. Here at Universal Group, we offer you a different perspective to make you feel at ease. All you have to do is to stick to your budget, a precise plan or schedule, and the help of a competent and professional contractor.

Universal Group Practical Guide for House Renovation 101: Dos And Don’ts

Part 1: The Dos

  • DO: Know what you are signing up for. By this we mean setting a budget and a timeline, saving 10% extra for materials and possible mistakes, and accepting that a significant part of your time will be spent on this project. Always be ready for the unexpected behind the drywall.
  • DO: Be prepared to take the economic hit if you invested in an unpopular feature or structure. Swimming pools are an excellent trait for some families, but many people do not want or can't take the troubles that come with the upkeep. The same happens with exuberant landscaping like koi ponds or waterfalls; you may be paying for something a new buyer might remove them someday.
  • DO: Know when it's time to hire professionals (Like Universal Group). Complicated things like wiring or building walls from scratch might be beyond your skill set, and you are at risk of doing more damage than good by insisting that hard work equals knowledge. Some things are best left to professionals. 
  • DO: Know your layout. Considering the design of your property is a priority to avoid losing rooms. This is important because if you expand a room's size at the expense of another, and in the process go from a three to a two-bedroom house, it is quite possible that you will be decreasing the value of your home.
  • DO: Upgrade your appliances. Energy-efficient appliances will help you cut back on your utility bills while you lend a helping hand to the environment.
  • DO: Ask for a contract. A proper contract covers the following issues: start and finish dates, total cost (include how add-ons will be handled), a payment schedule, names of all parties involved, contractor's license number, description of the project to be done, and supplies for early termination. If necessary, consult your lawyer.

Part 2: The Don’ts

  • DON’T choose a contractor from the phone book. Ask around for recommendations from trust-worthy people or call your area home builders association for more information. Be wary of contractors without references.
  • DON’T use cheap or unknown materials that won’t withstand time and use. Cabinetry drawers and drawer guides, for example, get the most use, so consider spending some extra money on these little but vital details. Doors and cabinet knobs should be well-made and firmly attached. Also, we recommend to lay a proper subfloor under tiling and purchasing quality appliances.
  • DON’T get in DIY if you are not sure of the process or materials required for the task. Don’t remove something you don’t recognize, because it may be important. Don’t attempt structural changes without the presence and assistance of a professional. Don’t ever put a hole in a ceiling, gas line, plumbing fixture or electrical wiring by yourself.
  • DON’T add an extra bathroom if you don’t have space. The plumbing, wiring, and tiling make these small spaces costly additions to the house. Consider a powder room instead.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading our article. It is there to keep you informed and to help you improve your home. Follow us on our social networks, and don’t hesitate to contact Universal Group INC for questions, suggestions and contracting.

Don't cut on necessary expenses. Your home is an important part of your life!

Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup


jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

La importancia de los materiales

Un proyecto puede estar bien planificado y bien ejecutado, pero si no cuentas con los materiales e implementos adecuados, el éxito no siempre está garantizado.

La ciencia (y arte) de la construcción no sería nada sin sus materiales. Hoy damos por sentado que contamos con una amplia gama de materiales que se utilizan en infraestructuras de todo tipo, sin darnos cuenta de que históricamente estos han estado unidos al desarrollo de las distintas eras de la evolución del hombre hacia la civilización.

Este desarrollo y evolución de las sociedades han estado enlazados con la capacidad de sus miembros para producir y trabajar con los materiales indispensables para satisfacer sus necesidades. Los materiales de construcción han servido al hombre para mejorar su calidad de vida de forma progresiva, y el avance de nuestras civilizaciones ha estado vinculado permanentemente a los avances conseguidos de esta forma.

Desde el comienzo de la civilización, los materiales (así como la energía) han sido utilizados por el hombre para mejorar su calidad de vida. Toda estructura está construida a base de materiales, los cuales, sean de naturaleza orgánica o sintética, se encuentran por doquier a nuestro alrededor. Los más fáciles de hallar y trabajar son madera, hormigón, ladrillo, acero, plástico, vidrio, caucho, aluminio, cobre y papel.

Debido a los cada vez más competentes avances tecnológicos y de investigación, se están creando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva. La producción de materiales y el procesado de estos hasta convertirlos en productos acabados constituye una parte importante de nuestra economía actual y de nuestro desarrollo. Puesto que parte importante de la producción recae en los materiales, los ingenieros deben conocer de la estructura interna y sus propiedades, de modo que sean capaces de escoger el más adecuado para cada requerimiento de la obra, y al mismo tiempo ser capaces de desarrollar los mejores métodos de procesado.

¿Qué debemos tomar en cuenta en cuestiones de manejo de materiales?

  1. Acortar distancias. De no ser esto posible, se debe procurar que las distancias del transporte/traslado tan cortas como sea posible. Los movimientos más cortos ahorran tiempo y dinero, y al mismo tiempo nos ayudan a hacer de la producción un proceso más eficiente.
  2. Estructurar patrones simples. Se deben tomar en cuenta los cruces y otros patrones que conducen a un aglutinamiento, ya que la reducción de cruces hace que la producción se haga tan ligera como lo permitan las instalaciones.
  3. Transportar cargas en ambos sentidos. Se debe de reducir al mínimo el tiempo que se emplea en transporte (del tipo que sea). Se pueden lograr ahorros sustanciales si se estructuran sistemas para el manejo de materiales que solventen el problema de ir o regresar sin una carga útil.
  4. Transportar cargas completas: Se debe de tomar en consideración un aumento en la magnitud de las cargas unitarias disminuyendo la capacidad de carga, reduciendo la velocidad o adquiriendo un equipo que sea más versátil.
  5. De ser posible, evita el manejo manual cuando se disponga de medios mecánicos o automatizados que puedan hacer el trabajo en formas más efectiva y, sobre todo, segura.
  6. Etiquetar los materiales de forma clara y visible. Es fácil colocar mal o perder ciertos artículos por lo que es recomendado etiquetar cada producto.

Esperamos que nuestros artículos y consejos te sean de utilidad. Y como en Universal Group siempre estamos para servir, te sugerimos seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales y contactarnos en la sección de comentarios para contestar tus dudas y concertar futuras contrataciones.

Es importante conocer la terminología básica, la diferencia entre cemento y asbesto, entre madera y MDF.

Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup


miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

Vintage-Style Remodeling!

Fashion and style always come in cycles, and house-remodeling is no different. Give retro a chance.

Most old houses have a reputation for carrying extra work and structural problems. Many complain about the noise wood makes on cold days or the humidity that gathers in some areas of the house. Today we will see that it doesn’t have to be like this. Universal Group always offers you the best alternatives for your home. And yes, that also includes vintage-style houses, both for the restoration of these structures and the remodeling process of your home to fit its vintage-style architecture.

FAQ: How do I know if my house is vintage or what style belongs to?

This is one of the many frequently asked of questions from our readers about the style of their home, especially when it doesn't adjust to the descriptions they have read in books, magazines, or internet.

Is it a cottage? Is it a bungalow? Is it Victorian style or is it something different? And what does it mean when someone says your house is eclectic? Do not worry; those are details we will be glad to take care of.

First, let us explain why vintage houses often come in so many different shapes and sizes. The way houses were laid out (that is, the floor plan), changed dramatically between 1900 and 1960. At the turn of the century in 1900, the “Queen Anne style’’ was waning and the old style organization of interior space was changing as well. Bedrooms were still called chambers, many homes were built without bathrooms (that’s as impractical as it reads), and reception halls excluded visitors from the inner sanctum. Modern structures like the free-flowing, open bungalow, did away with small, isolated, boxy rooms. But that’s just a small piece of history.

Nowadays, everyone seems to have a different opinion about what defines each style. At Universal Group, we offer you our professional advice and a few guidelines to grasp the essential characteristics of your home. You'll find that there are dozens of different ideas about what "style" is and how it's categorized, and therefore restored.

The first thing we can assure you: There are no ugly houses; there are only homes with structural flaws. Sometimes those flaws need some hard work, but almost every home deserves to be loved and treated with a caring hand.

How can I improve my vintage house?

Restoring a vintage house is not a simple task. Vintage homes not only require special precautions because we're dealing with old structures and building materials, but they are also full of surprises in their unique way, and costs can add up quickly. If there’s one thing we’ve learned here at Universal Group, is that a renovation done right can turn a budget nightmare into a dream home. Here are some things to take into consideration when working in a vintage house.

  1. It takes commitment: Do you count on things like radiant, easy-to-sweep floors, or even something as common as evenly heated or cooled room as necessities? If not, maintaining the style of an older house, with its quirks, may not be for you. 
  2. Avoid water damage at all costs: This is a serious issue, especially in vintage houses, and it needs to be addressed. It has long-term effects like dry rot. Also, bugs love wet environments, which can have its own consequences. Keep an eye out around ceilings, floors, and windows, for signs of water damage. That could be a warning of serious structural issues.
  3. Hire professionals (Universal Group): A contractor and an inspector can be helpful when it comes to estimating the amount of work that needs to be done and its costs (an important matter). But it could be even more helpful to search for people with experience in historic houses preservation. And, above all, anybody you bring must understand your ultimate goal of restoring the property, because a lot of people don’t understand the difference between preservation and ripping something out and starting over.
  4. Are you on a budget? Then take it slow: While older houses (regardless of size) will need renovations here and there, if you don’t have unlimited funds, look for a smaller house, which can be more manageable. Another practical alternative is to buy quality materials so you renovate less.
  5. The roof, windows, and masonry are your priority: We know it might be tempting to pick out kitchen cabinets and paint swatches first, but the primary stages of the renovation should be the most practical, rather than the aesthetic ones. And by saying that, we mean to get the house watertight. Fix the roof, windows, and masonry. Sometimes the location of the house is related to the strength and quality of the structure’s materials. 

We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading our article. It is there to keep you informed and to help you improve your home. Follow us on our social networks, and don’t hesitate to contact Universal Group INC for questions, suggestions and contracting.

How can you turn a simple household into a vintage home with all the modern advantages?

Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

El arte de la restauración

Hay cosas que se podrían desechar y hay cosas que vale la pena preservar. De ahí parte la restauración: viejo no siempre significa obsoleto.

Podríamos ver la arquitectura como una manifestación de espacio y tiempo determinado.  Nuestros hogares son, entonces, evidencia de que deben trascender a generaciones futuras para el conocimiento de nuestro origen y evolución; este debe guiar hacia la conciencia, respeto y apreciación de la historia, la cultura y los materiales que componen el monumento.

La restauración, en lo que a arquitectura se refiere, se podría definir como el proceso que busca restablecer o devolver a un bien inmueble (ya sea una casa, un departamento o un cobertizo) su integridad, respetando su historia y estética mediante procesos constructivos o técnicos, es decir, darle nueva vida un espacio.

Recordemos que nuestros hogares, al final del día, son estructuras y, como tales, necesitan de mantenimiento debido a su deterioro con el paso del tiempo. Este deterioro puede ser causado por causas climatológicas o por el desgaste natural que sufren los materiales de construcción con el paso del tiempo. En cualquiera de los casos, siempre es necesario un mantenimiento distinto para cada edificio, ya que responderá a las necesidades específicas de renovación o remodelación. Para ello se llevan a cabo distintos procesos que podemos resumir en las siguientes tres categorías: Limpieza, reparación y sustitución. Estas son las áreas de las que hablaremos en este artículo con el fin de expandir nuestros conocimientos sobre el arte de la restauración y tener una idea de a qué nos enfrentamos a la hora de renovar un espacio que, sin estar necesariamente destruido, ha perdido su lustre original aunque siga siendo aprovechable y poseedor de belleza.

El mayor error que cometen las personas al restaurar una casa antigua es tratar de hacer lo que está de moda en ese momento. Pero lo que está de moda en ese momento no lo estará en 10 años, entonces lo que conservará el valor de la casa es mantener el estilo original. He ahí la importancia de respetar la estética y la estructura original de la casa.

Entender una casa antigua implica conocer los usos y las costumbres de la época. Los diferentes tipos de materiales que utilizaban en ese tiempo usualmente provenían de la zona donde se construía, y ese es el criterio que debemos utilizar a la hora de restaurar los diferentes elementos de la edificación.

La arquitectura popular de cada época fue creada para satisfacer las necesidades de la familia o de la cultura del lugar de construcción. Incluso, a menudo ellos mismos participaban en la construcción de sus hogares. Emprender la rehabilitación de una edificación de arquitectura tradicional, popular o rural no es tarea fácil, por lo que es importante que lo hagan profesionales acostumbrados a la tipología del proyecto.

¿Qué debemos tomar en consideración si queremos restaurar una casa antigua?

Mantener la sencillez, equilibrio y coherencia son las claves para acertar en una restauración. Respetar la autenticidad de la vivienda, observar qué nos dice su arquitectura y actuar con respeto. Esto no quiere decir que no podamos aportar nuestro estilo y otros avances que se apliquen a nuevas construcciones. Siempre y cuando sean para facilitar la comodidad del nuevo morador, algunas ideas para implementar comodidades modernas en una casa antigua podrían ser mejorar el sistema de calefacción, refrigeración y la plomería, pues la hará más cómoda, segura y eficiente energéticamente.

Con respecto a los gabinetes, pisos y mampostería, lo primero que hacen muchas personas es cambiar los gabinetes de madera sólida por nuevos hechos de melamina o MDF. Esta no es una buena idea, ya que estos materiales artificiales no se hicieron para durar años de uso y desgaste, y no soportan bien la humedad. Lo mejor es reacondicionar los gabinetes que ya están: se verán mejor, durarán más y ahorrarás dinero.

Cubrir los pisos de madera antiguos con baldosas de baja calidad o alfombra baratas es casi un delito. Deshacerse de ellos es peor aún. Siempre es más barato y más auténtico reacondicionar los pisos existentes y reparar las partes dañadas cuando sea necesario. Pasa lo mismo con las paredes; aunque las habitaciones de planta abierta son una tendencia, no tienen cabida en las casas antiguas. Así que antes de desmantelar una pared, los expertos recomiendan vivir en la casa sin modificar durante seis meses. Así tendrás una idea de si se siente cómodo o no.

Limpiar las viejas baldosas y azulejos también es importante. La principal razón por la que los pisos de baldosas antiguas y otras superficies de azulejos son eliminados es porque están sucias. Así que nuestro mejor consejo es que no las elimines sin antes haberles dado una buena limpieza.

Lo más importante, sin importar la profundidad de las restauraciones, es tener un colchón dentro del presupuesto. Lo mejor es disponer de un presupuesto de “emergencia” en caso de que, durante el transcurso de las obras, surja algún imprevisto. Si tienes el presupuesto justo, plantea la restauración por fases; hay partidas del presupuesto de la renovación de una casa que pueden esperar y que se pueden realizar de forma sencilla una vez que estés viviendo en ella. Ventanas, fachada y, en menor medida, suelo, baños (si hay dos puedes dejar, temporalmente, uno por hacer). Lo importante es dejar hecho lo imprescindible: reforzar la estructura, el tejado, cambiar de distribución e instalaciones, por ejemplo.

Esperamos que nuestros artículos y consejos te sean de utilidad, y como en Universal Group siempre estamos para servir, te sugerimos seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales y contactarnos en la sección de comentarios para contestar tus dudas y concertar futuras contrataciones.

A veces no queremos un cambio radical, sólo mantener la belleza que se ha perdido en el hogar. Para eso se restaura, para preservar.

Facebook: Universal Group INC
Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup


lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

DIY Tips

Not everyone's an expert, but we can all learn the ropes on the house-remodeling basics.

Remodeling can be a complicated task, which involves an investment of time and money, and that also requires skill and, above all, patience. In most cases, the most recommended thing to do is to hire a contractor or consultant in these areas. Hiring experts is always a good choice. However, sometimes it is necessary to lend a hand at home with the remodeling projects; sometimes there is not enough time to find a contractor, and for a few entrepreneurs, it is best to do things on their own.

This article explores some alternatives for home remodeling projects and some tips that could save you money, time and accidents as well.

  • Know what you’re getting into: Sure, remodeling is exciting. But there's also a lot of frustration as you encounter unexpected delays, and the inevitable inconveniences that come from living in a construction zone. You'll handle the lows better if you know they're coming. A reputable remodeler will condition your expectations before a project begins.
  • Think 2 steps ahead (better 10 steps, just to be extra sure): Measure once, measure twice, measure again, and think through every possible scenario before changing a room’s layout.
  • DIY when help is available (this means, not on holidays): Always do tricky DIY projects when you know a pro — a pro you trust — can help out in a hurry.
  • Find good, trustworthy help: Hire remodelers who have more than three years of experience, membership in the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), a good record with the Better Business Bureau, and positive customer references. And most important, select a remodeler you trust.
  • Insist on a detailed contract: If you jump into a remodeling project, it’s in your best interest to get a contract, and an explicit one. The contract needs the right address, a start date, a completion date, and a detail of what is and is not going to be done.
  • Don't go cheap: For any DIY project, the cheapest option, from materials to appliances, should raise a red flag. It probably costs three-fold to fix a mistake that can be avoided by having some shopping-criteria.
  • Connect spaces: Looking for a project with big impact that can make your home a brighter, comfier place? Opening up walls and hallways is one way to get the most from your remodeling project and create more livable spaces.
  • Communicate effectively: Remodelers can do some amazing things, but they can't read minds. This means, let the company supervisor or project lead person know if anything is unsatisfactory so they can deal with the issue right away. Communication is always key.

5 practical tips for DIY remodeling

  1. To install upper cabinets, determine their location in relation to the base cabinets. Add the height of the base cabinet to the thickness of your countertop (base cabinets are usually 34-1/2 tall, and countertops are usually 1-1/2 inches thick.) Then add 18 inches for the space between the upper and lower cabinets. Your total should be about 54 inches. This is where the bottom of the upper cabinet will sit. If the floor isn't level, find the highest point along the wall where the cabinets will be installed. Mark a chalk line across the wall then attach a 2x4 ledger into the wall studs to help support the cabinets while installing. 
  2. Want to save some big bucks remodeling your bathroom? Consider refinishing existing items such as your bathtub, shower, sink or tile. With this method, you’ll only pay a small fraction (as little as 10 percent) of the cost of replacement. Your bathroom won’t be torn up for weeks, and you'll avoid the major renovation mess.
  3. Moisture is your bathroom’s greatest enemy. Mold and mildew will make quick work of any renovation you’ve done, so be sure to install a vent fan of appropriate CFMs for the square footage of your bathroom. The rough guide is one CFM per square foot for bathrooms of one hundred square feet or smaller. New designs are quieter and more stylish than ever and are a must-have for any bathroom remodel.
  4. Before taking a sledgehammer to drywall, use a small hammer to make holes in the wall to check for any electrical or plumbing behind the wall.
  5. Use a box fan in a window to help suck out the construction dust.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading our article. It is there to keep you informed and to help you improve your home. Follow us on our social networks, and don’t hesitate in contacting Universal Group INC for questions, suggestions and contracting.

These tips will help you avoid future mistakes, and maybe even save money.

Twitter: UnivrsalGroup
Instagram: UnivrsalGroup


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